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Author biography

pesky pixie author

Anne Muscroft (nee Lewis) went to school in South Africa - where she completed matriculation and then chose to study in her parents' country of birth - Wales, UK. Although always an ingenious writer and generally very creative, Anne opted to study for a BSc (Hons) in Management. In retrospect she was very pleased that father Dilwyn had applied gentle pressure to "avoid the dole queue that can form outside the faculty of arts." Even with a management profession, Anne still finds the time to pen a few rhyming tales of Pesky Pixie adventures. This is reminiscent of the way she found the time in between donning de Bono's hats, day time TV and producing balanced score cards whilst at uni, to write the first Pesky Pixie poem.

Anne is married to a gentle giant called Marco and they are the proud parents of a golden haired pixie named Evan.

As you can see from her picture, and you may be scolded for voicing it, Anne is somewhat of a pixie herself. Although most people who know her would agree, Anne being slightly mischievous is most likely to say "no one has ever said that I look like a pixie before!" - Judge for yourself.©2010 home about taster pixels news peskymonial contact answers sitemap copyright notice