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Pesky pixie puzzles

With open eyes I seek
Beneath the skies I peek
No time to drink a sip
No chance to have a kip
Six pies have been eaten
But I will not be beaten
Someone stole my keys
Somebody likes to tease
I hear a "yippee yie"
See something green skip by
Who is it that tricks me?
It is the Pesky Pixie!

Whilst reading this verse see how many words you can find that are contained in 'Pesky Pixie'.

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Pesky Answers

With open eyes I seek
Beneath the skies I peek
No time to drink a sip
No chance to have a kip
Six pies have been eaten
But I will not be beaten
Someone stole my keys
Somebody likes to tease
I hear a "yippee yie"
See something green skip by
Who is it that tricks me?
It is the Pesky Pixie!

How many words found in 'Pesky Pixie' did you count? We counted 21!

pesky pixie tongue twisters

Try this pesky tongue twister

A pack of pesky pixies pranked a pompous parent
The pompous parent pointed out the pesky pixies' prank
The prankster pesky pixies petulantly pointed
The pompous parent much perturbed pointlessly protested