About pesky pixie
Pesky Pixie is the central character of a planned series of publications by author Anne B Lewis. The first in the series called simply The Pesky Pixie is due for release later this year. Anne first conceived of the character when living in a student house of four boys and four girls, whilst studying at The University of Wales, Swansea. The boys' unconfessed untidiness and sneaky food stealing ways, gave rise to a mythical scapegoat - the pixie. From then on, the phrase "blame it on the pixie" was the de facto defence for all things mischievous. Later, Anne's auspicious alliterative attention led to the full blown name Pesky Pixie!
Definition of the word pesky
pesky (pes'ke)
adj. peskier -kier, peskiest ki-est
Informal annoying; disagreeable; troublesome
Origin: prob. var. of pesty < pest + -y
Related Forms:
* peskily pes'kily adverb
* peskiness pes'ki-ness noun
Definition of the word pixie
pix -ie or pix-y (pks) n. pl. pix-ies A fairylike or elfin creature, especially one that is mischievous; a playful sprite.
adj. Playfully mischievous.
pixy -ish adj.