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Sip of the pesky

Thank you for coming for a sip of the pesky pixie poem. We hope you like it. More is on its way, we promise! If your have a thirst for pesky pixie adventures, come back soon for more. Or better still why not let us know so we can tell the other worldly webmasters to get a wriggle on!

pesky potion

Pesky Pixie

In a house built of yellow bricks

Lives a family of five or is it six?

Grandma, Grandpa, Mum, Nate, Trixie

And hiding under the stairs the Pesky Pixie.

Pesky Pixie

In a house built of yellow bricks

Lives a family of five or is it six?

Grandma, Grandpa, Mum, Nate, Trixie

And hiding under the stairs the Pesky Pixie.

Me. Drink in the pixie.